Attendees: Don, Abhishek, Anton Komlev, Dave Cocca, David Brown, Shebu, Julius, Andrej Bujok, Eric Finco, Michael Thomas, Kevin Oerton, Kevin Townsend
TF-M release / roadmap update - Shebu
See slides
1.4.0 - 4 months release cadence
Docs deficiencies have been a focus.
Need MCU update to Mbed TLS 3.0 - getting support from David Brown.
Asure RTOS work within Linaro - a couple of Pull Requests are queued
EF: Patches limited to TF-M?
SK: In Azure RTOS and Threadx
MT: Jump to 3.0 pretty big?
MT: Calls only to PSA crypto?
SK: Ongoing, uses a mix of legacy and later API’s
SK: Community push for clean-ups before migration is completed. Not a completion point for PSA crypto.
SK: A new LTS will happen this quarter
Public Roadmap Slide
Anton provided overview
SK: Looking at profiling to understand context switching overhead when go from Normal to Secure World
Authentication Debug Access Control (ADAC) development being looked at and how to migrate to TF-M
MT: PSA ADAC Spec: Location?
SK: In the PSA specification page
EF: Concerning F/W Update, some services enhancements in 1.4 - duration?
SK: Picked up f/w update service. So as spec evolves so will work.
SK: Listed a couple of others…
AK: Protocol update of Flash w/ progress line. Minor
TF-M Security Patch Release Proposal
See WIki
AK: Walked thru
DC: Will review this and provide feedback.
MT: Some wording seems like could be updated, but the intent is fine.
MT/AK agree on the wording and raise a vote (if required). Will do a “No objection” next meeting
Discussion about TSC feedback - AP
Shebu/Matteo/Abhishek/Dan have had syncs. Lots done by Arm teams. A need for something from TSC to discuss. Suggesting to put all roadmaps on the wiki. Frequency TBD (release cycles?)
Would like 2 weeks notice on technical topic requests.
Once public roadmap, will make discussions easier.
TF-M today, next up will be other projects
Next TF-A, MBed TLS, Hafnium, Trusted Services.
EF: Date for next meeting?
AP: Only time to skip is when meetings are not available.
Team: Agrees this flow is useful and gives good visibility.
Details can be found _in the comments_ on:
Don: Action to Board on TSC needs?
Shebu: Have TSC reps joined the board to share?
AP: Will come up w/ questions posed to the board over the next month. September may be the appropriate time to have Board attendance. In TSC, can then formulate and make it more specific.
ACTION: AP come up with a list of topics/questions for the September joint TSC/Board meeting.