Dan Handley (Arm)
Antonio De Angelis (Arm)
Shebu Varghese Kuriakose (Arm)
Moritz Fisher (Google)
Julius Werner (Google)
Joakim Andersson (Nordic)
KangKang Shen (FutureWei)
Andrej Butok (NXP)
Ruchika Gupta (NXP)
(Linaro not available due to internal offsite meeting)
* Dan: No roadmap updates this month due to unavailability of Linaro and Arm technology manager
* Dan: Expecting combined TF-A + Trusted Services roadmap next month. OP-TEE roadmap is also due.
* Dan: Don wanted to raise again the risk of Phabricator being deprecated (that we use for wiki content)
* Dan: It’s not getting security updates and we have had issues with rogue accounts being created
* Dan: Now the task to create GitHub mirrors for all projects ( is mostly complete, we can progress with migrating
wiki content there
* Dan: Propose that we ping maintainers to start migrating project information. Can also directly migrate generic content (e.g. community pages).
(No objections)
Action: Dan and Antonio to ping maintainers to start migrating project information. Also directly migrate generic content (e.g. community pages).
Shebu presented attached slides on TF-M LTS proposal.
* AndreJ: TF-M has a dependency on MCUBoot and MBedTLS. Will they have the same LTS policy?
* Shebu: Yes, Mbed TLS has similar LTS schedule that is proposed for TF-M (2 concurrent LTS, each with 3-year lifetime). Slide 6 shows integration plan.
* We thought about doing this for MCUBoot too but as it is a small project, we think we can live with backporting security fixes as required. No plans currently.
* Dan: So, no releases from main branch? Why not?
* Shebu: Such releases wouldn’t be usable for PSA certification.
* Shebu: This would save effort, which could be used for LTS maintenance instead
* Shebu: One possible use-case is for RSS releases.
* Shebu: One consequence is that users would have to wait for the next LTS to get latest features in a release (up to 18 months)
* Shebu: Expect that we’ll need to backport new platform ports to LTS branches
* Shebu: Platforms can’t wait until next LTS release.
* Ruchika: I also think main branch releases would be good as not everyone will be consuming LTS. 18 month wait could be too long.
* Ruchika: Would help platforms that don’t need certification but do need new features.
* Shebu: We would need to work out how we could resource main branch releases. Probably wouldn’t have the same level of support as LTS releases.
* Shebu: We’ll need help from TF-M users using PSA Certified to resource the LTS releases
* Shebu: Going to present this in TF-M Tech forum.
* Shebu: Have already mentioned it to the board.
* Shebu: This is only tentative until we get approval from certification lab
* Shebu: Need to know from members if this will break their distribution model somehow
* Dan: So the plan is to get feedback from the lab and members, then go to the TF-M tech forum?
* Shebu: Yes.