Hello All,
There is going to be discussion tomorrow on overall RAS Handling in a 2 / 4 world system and how Realms world errors are planned to be routed for handling. The implementation and testing details in TF-A will also be discussed. Please find
the meeting details below.
Best Regards
Soby Mathew
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Trusted Firmware Public Meetings <linaro.org_havjv2figrh5egaiurb229pd8c@group.calendar.google.com>
Sent: 14 June 2020 18:21
To: Trusted Firmware Public Meetings;
marek.bykowski@gmail.com; okash.khawaja@gmail.com;
Subject: TF-A Tech Forum
When: 23 March 2023 16:00-17:00 Europe/London.
TF-A Tech Forum
Rescheduling the 2&4 world RAS architectural changes discussion.More details nearer the event.----------------We run an open technical forum
call for anyone to participate and it is not restricted