I just fetched the latest master (1655ef5120e99c62782575d0a8b3707ebfc2148e), and I’m now getting a cmake error:

$ cmake -S . -B build_GNUARM_Relwithdebinfo '-GUnix Makefiles' -DTFM_PLATFORM=cypress/psoc64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain_GNUARM.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Relwithdebinfo -DTEST_NS=ON -DTEST_S=ON -DTFM_IRQ_TEST=ON


CMake Error at build_GNUARM_Relwithdebinfo/lib/ext/tfm_test_repo-src/app/CMakeLists.txt:17 (tfm_toolchain_reload_compiler):

  Unknown CMake command "tfm_toolchain_reload_compiler".


Looks like tf-tests commit c41f3a078713b17b5654851329d63bcc0672874b introduced calls to tfm_toolchain_reload_compiler(), which I don’t see declared anywhere.


I can work around it by using a local checkout of tf-m-tests at HEAD~.


Chris Brand

Sr Prin Software Engr, MCD: WIRELESS


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