Hi Kevin,

Are there any plans to add ARMCLANG as a build environment for this?

If so, then I can add an IAR port as well. Going from ARMCLANG to IAR is much easier than to go from GNUARM to IAR.

I have access to one of these boards so will be able to run regression tests as well.


Den 2020-04-29 kl. 15:03, skrev Kevin Townsend via TF-M:

Just a quick note that support for the LPC55S69 was just merged in, allowing you to use the relatively easy to source LPCXpresso55S69-EVK dev board: https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-microcontrollers/general-purpose-mcus/lpc5500-cortex-m33/lpcxpresso55s69-development-board:LPC55S69-EVK

Some notes on how to use this board with TF-M are visible here, including how to update the board to use the Segger J-Link firmware image: https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/tree/platform/ext/target/nxp/lpcxpresso55s69/README.rst

Samples scripts for building and flashing (which assume the J-Link debug firmware is present) are available here:

- https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/tree/platform/ext/target/nxp/lpcxpresso55s69/scripts/build.sh
- https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/tree/platform/ext/target/nxp/lpcxpresso55s69/scripts/flash.sh

If you find any issues with the board support, you can comment on the LPC55S69 task here: https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/T706

Best regards,
Kevin Townsend


Thomas Törnblom, Product Engineer
IAR Systems AB
Box 23051, Strandbodgatan 1
SE-750 23 Uppsala, SWEDEN
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E-mail: thomas.tornblom@iar.com Website: www.iar.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/iarsystems