Hi Reinhard, All,
Thanks to your research we have exact measurements before any improvements. Good to know it.
Suppose I have heard same order numbers on one of Tech Forums or during Workshop in Lyon.
I think such issues shall be addressed via design proposal, review in community ended with code change.
Personally I like your suggestions. Let’s discuss it on one of Tech Forums.
Best Regards,
Anton Komlev
From: Reinhard Keil <Reinhard.Keil@arm.com>
Sent: 04 March 2020 13:56
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Cc: nd <nd@arm.com>; Anton Komlev <Anton.Komlev@arm.com>
Subject: Entry to TF-M
Today, I measured the call overhead on the function entry to TF-M is significant and will cause side effects for time deterministic MCU applications using the MDK debugger on STM32L5.
Compiler: AC6.14 -oz (optimized for image size)
TFM configuration: TFM_LVL=1, library mode, TFM_NS_CLIENT_IDENTIFICATION = OFF
--- Execution time measurement:
Function call of NS psa_open_key to corresponding secure function:
NS: dispatch -> S: tfm_crypto_open_key 2135 cycles
NS: dispatch -> S: psa_open_key
2536 cycles
NS: psa_open_key -> S: psa_open_key
2825 cycles (this is with RTOS mutex overhead)
tfm_core_sfn_request(const struct tfm_sfn_req_s *desc_ptr)
__ASM volatile(
"PUSH {r4-r12, lr} \n"
"SVC %[SVC_REQ] \n" <---
effectively disables interrupts for 1970 Cycles
"MOV r4, #0 \n"
On Musca (~48MHz) the overhead is 45us for a TF-M call.
--- Code Size overhead:
Each TFM function has the following flow:
tfm_ns_interface_dispatch (this is a central function)
#33 result = fn(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); -> calls each TF-M function with individual veneer
tfm_core_partition_request (which is again central function)
As function inlining is used, the each veneer requires 180 bytes.
In my system there are 4 ITS and 46 Crypto functions; with the net result of ~10K code for just the veneer entries.
Here are some suggestions:
I hope this helps to improve TFM.