

Using a real boot seed instead of the dummy one is causing a Attestation Service regression fail.

The log:

Running Test Suite Initial Attestation Service non-secure interface tests(TFM_ATTEST_TEST_2XXX)...

> Executing 'TFM_ATTEST_TEST_2004'

  Description: 'ECDSA signature test of attest token'

decode_test_normal_sig() returned: -55

  Attest token decode_test_normal_sig() has failed (Failed at ../../../../../../middleware/tfm/test/suites/attestation/non_secure/attestation_ns_interface_testsuite.c:136)



Is it know issue?

Probably, it’s better to use  a real boot seed by the Attestation tests, returned by tfm_plat_get_initial_attest_key()?


Thank you,

Andrej Butok