Error: Cannot connect to access port 0!
If you are trying to connect to a device with TrustZone enabled please try to connect with HotPlug mode.
If you are trying to connect to a device which supports Debug Authentication with certificate or password, please open your device using it.
After this, I am unable to connect my board STM32Cube Programmer or to flash any application using Keil MDK ARM, CubeIDE, etc. The same error is returned every time. Before I runned the
regression.sh script, the board was working as expected and I was able to flash simple applications (non using TF-M) to the board. I've already tried to connect the board to the STM32Cube Programmer using the Hot Plug mode - (i) pulled BOOT0 pin to HIGH,
(ii) connected the board to the PC, (iii) selected Hot Plug mode in STM32Cube Programmer and Hit Connect - but did not work. I get this log: