[00:00:07.495,000] <inf> app: Adding subject name to CSR [00:00:07.496,000] <inf> app: Adding subject name to CSR completed [00:00:07.497,000] <inf> app: Adding EC key to PK container [00:00:07.499,000] <inf> app: Adding EC key to PK container completed [00:00:07.500,000] <inf> app: Create device Certificate Signing Request [00:00:08.692,000] <inf> app: Create device Certificate Signing Request completed [00:00:08.693,000] <inf> app: Certificate Signing Request: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIHrMIGQAgEAMC4xDzANBgNVBAoMBkxpbmFybzEbMBkGA1UEAwwSRGV2aWNlIENl cnRpZmljYXRlMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAENLcv1exBcbEE2b4c 5933xMCx6WTLRR/jSpVSqHWyjE3xy0/CJiyQyQWy5Ewq6Z0R3zUbDobVnKEf/Prt IZq1KKAAMAwGCCqGSM49BAMCBQADSAAwRQIgaAlTPmrIaRO7myM2Qr+LNk9sagdO jPGUqbz4oUWhUsICIQCuHADW6F2l4czv78BO5Nf+FHZEpjbI1+fA2aLzglOaiA== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
--Hi everyone,
I’m wondering if there is any existing effort on enabling X.509 CSR generation and certificate verification inside TF-M? Our project has some custom secure partitions which need to generate the CSR and verify the issued certificates by themselves. The current TF-M implementation hasn’t added X.509’s support. So, I’m wondering if any open source project already does that which we can leverage?
Jun Li
Intel Corporation, CA
TF-M mailing list