

TF-M version information is carried by manifest data, which is appended to the image in a post build step (at image signing):


Dependency verification:            


At runtime there is no API to get the image version or its capability. 


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From: TF-M <tf-m-bounces@lists.trustedfirmware.org> On Behalf Of Reinhard Keil via TF-M
Sent: 09 March 2020 09:45
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Cc: nd <nd@arm.com>
Subject: [TF-M] Product Lifecycle Management: TF-M + Non-Secure Application




How does TF-M consider Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)? 

Assuming the following scenario where TF-M and Non-Secure Application are independently developed/updated in a deployed system:


Questions that I have:
