
In Linaro Virtual Connect 20 (LVC20), Shebu and I presented a session “Scalable Security Using Trusted Firmware-M Profiles” (ref[1]).

It basically shows an example of using FreeRTOS+TF-M Profile Small on armv8m devices to connect to AWS cloud through a Gateway.

The key features demonstrated in the example:

A blog (https://www.trustedfirmware.org/blog/amazon-freertos-tfm-blog/) is shared in tf.org if you want to know more details of the design.




[1] Scalable Security Using Trusted Firmware-M Profiles - https://connect.linaro.org/resources/lvc20/lvc20-213/



David Wang

ARM Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Phone: +86-21-6154 9142 (ext. 59142)