
Support for generating and working with persistent keys was recently merged into TF-M in the following change request: https://review.trustedfirmware.org/c/trusted-firmware-m/+/3252/8

This corresponds to section 3.2.2 (Persistent keys) of the PSA Cryptography API 1.0 (dated 19/02/2020), although there seems to be some delay in implementing the functionality described in the API document. Page 209 ("Changes between 1.0 beta 3 and 1.0.0") states: "Removed psa_open_key and psa_close_key", but these functions are both present in the repo and seem to be used in the tests here: https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/tree/test/suites/crypto/crypto_tests_common.c#n939

Presumably this positions the merged change request around 1.0 beta 3, just to know where we stand with the API documentation versus implementation in TF-M?

Since this is a very useful feature in real world applications, I was working on a sample application in Zephyr demonstrating how it might be used during device provisioning, and I was hoping to better understand the differences between the implementation in TF-M today and the 1.0 API document, specifically around KEY IDs versus key handle based access?

The 1.0 API documentation, for example, describes:

psa_status_t psa_export_public_key(psa_key_id_t key,
                                   uint8_t * data, size_t data_size, size_t * data_length);

But TF-M implements this add: https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/tree/interface/include/psa/crypto.h#n840

psa_status_t psa_export_public_key(psa_key_handle_t handle,
                                   uint8_t *data,
                                   size_t data_size,
                                   size_t *data_length);

Presumably this migration to ID based accesses (versus handles) is still a work in progress, with a goal of perhaps being complete for 1.1?

Should I still be calling psa_open_key in the interim, for example? Some examples like the AES + PKCS#7 test case here use that: https://git.trustedfirmware.org/trusted-firmware-m.git/tree/test/suites/crypto/crypto_tests_common.c#n939

However, when I try to use psa_open_key when working with PSA_ECC_CURVE_SECP256R1, I get an INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY error, and I'm not sure how to get the psa_key_handle_t for subsequent operations like reading the key back.

I've posted the WIP code that fails trying to open the key here: https://gist.github.com/microbuilder/a326cc6b935f87f413d89e44f9d3de05#file-psa_crypto-c-L99

If I comment out the psa_open_key call, I CAN access the public key in the next function, but only because I have a reference to the handle from when we first persisted the key, but I wouldn't have that handle in the real world if I was accessing a previously created key, and it seems we can't access persisted keys via ID yet, only handles, unless I'm missing something (perhaps obvious)?

Best regards,