

I am using the GNUARM compiler and LPCXpresso55S69-EVK dev board and I would like to use DSP instructions and FPU (in secure image).


About FPU, it seems there is no way to use the hardware floating-point support instead of the software support (see "-msoft-float" flag in CommonConfig.cmake file).

Is there a reason for that? Maybe some performance reasons?


About DSP, in CompilerGNUARMxy.cmake files, architecture definition is preferred to CPU type and, in my case, "-march=armv8-m.main" flags is chosen (without +dsp option). The solution I found is to only define ARM_CPU_TYPE (and not ARM_CPU_ARCHITECTURE) to use "-mcpu=cortex-m33" flag instead of "-march=armv8-m.main". So I can use DSP instructions. However, I am not sure if this is the best solution. Maybe an option could be added to allow or not the use of DSP instructions?


Thank you in advance for the answer,

Best regards,
