

We noticed that build of TF-M for CM33 platform generates ELF file for which architecture is armv3m. Step to reproduce:

  1. Build TF-M secure image for CM33 platform with armclang (used 6.19).
  2. Use arm-none-eabi-objdump provided with arm-gnu-toolchain-11.3.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi to print headers:
    1. arm-none-eabi-objdump -x tfm_s.axf


You will see following output:


architecture: armv3m, flags 0x00000012:



While fromelf (from armclang) prints following:



** ELF Header Information


    File Name: tfm_s.axf


    Machine class: ELFCLASS32 (32-bit)

    Data encoding: ELFDATA2LSB (Little endian)

    Header version: EV_CURRENT (Current version)

    Operating System ABI: none

    ABI Version: 0

    File Type: ET_EXEC (Executable) (2)

    Machine: EM_ARM (ARM)


    Image Entry point: 0x16004319

    Flags: EF_ARM_HASENTRY + EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD (0x05000402)


    ARM ELF revision: 5 (ABI version 2)


Is’t expected? Because we have problems with debugging images generated by armclang in eclipse with gdb.


