Hi all,

Mbed TLS 3.6.0-LTS has been recently released and we are in the process of upgrading the supported version of TF-M as well. I have prepared three patches (for tests, extras and the main repo) available here for review that need to be merged by the time the release freeze happens (likely this week at some point).

From this patch onwards, TF-M will align completely to the PSA Crypto headers shipped by the Mbed TLS project, hopefully solving the issues we have had in the past around header mismatches when both Mbed TLS and TF-M Crypto are integrated into the same environment. For this reason the TF-M project will just hold a copy of the headers (in the interface/include/psa and interface/include/mbedtls directories) and won't accept any contribution to them.

Please find the patches available for review under the following Gerrit topic:

topic:"mbedtls_3_6_0_alignment" · Gerrit Code Review (trustedfirmware.org)
