Just providing my own understandings.
Please check blow.
Best Regards,
From: Romain JAYLES via TF-M <tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 17:33
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [TF-M] TF-M and communication stack in NSPE
We are currently integrating a protocol stack with a Radio IRQ in a TrustZone environment with the TF-M as the SPE.
The Radio IRQ requires fast treatment from our protocol stack, the need is to have the Radio IRQ handled with the lowest latency possible.
The fact that all the IRQs in the NonSecure side can’t preempt IRQ on the Secure side in the TF-M design leads us to the following possibilities with several limitations:
[Kevin] “which by design will have a lower priority of our IRQ because it’s in the Secure side”
- I think you meant “higher priority”. That’s true. This might be only solved by design to limit the usage of Secure interrupts.
[Kevin] This depends on the on isolation level and the type of the Secure Partition you deploy. If you apply isolation level 3 for TF-M and ARoT type to the Secure Partition, then it’s low possibility to introduce
any Security flaws. That’s because each ARoT Secure Partition is isolated with their own domains in isolation level 3 and the APIs for interacting with the framework is designed to be secure.
[Kevin] This sounds like a good solution. By “forward an IRQ to the NonSecure”, are you referring to SPE callback to NSPE? Well, that is not supported in TF-M so you should apply some notification mechanism instead.
Around the “call TF-M from NonSecure in handler mode”, could you describe more?
Do you already have experienced with this type of problematics, or do you see TF-M configurations which will be more suitable for such a use-case ?
Thank you,