Hi David and Feder,


Thanks a lots for the comment and information.


If it is possible, could I have the rough schedule about enabling FP support in SFN model?

That can help me decide to wait for official support or find another temporarily solution.


Thank you.


Best regards,



From: Feder Liang [mailto:Feder.Liang@arm.com]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2022 8:35 PM
To: David Wang; Eason Lai (賴易聖)
Cc: James-LY Huang (黃亮穎); Shuliang Lee (李書良); tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org; nd
Subject: RE: FPU register (D8~D15) corrupted in library mode


Hi, Eason


It is great to see you are enable FPU usage in TF-M.

Several items about the FP support:

  1. Currently FP support is available for IPC model only, it doesn’t support LIBRARY model.
  2. There is one potential successor for the LIBRARY model, which is the SFN model. The next step is to enable FP support in SFN model.
  3. The LIBRARY model may be deprecated after the SFN model's complete implementation.


Best Regards



From: David Wang <David.Wang@arm.com>
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2022 10:22 AM
To: Eason Lai (賴易聖) <Eason.Lai@mediatek.com>; Feder Liang <Feder.Liang@arm.com>
Cc: James-LY Huang (黃亮穎) <James-LY.Huang@mediatek.com>; Shuliang Lee (李書良) <shuliang.lee@mediatek.com>; tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: RE: FPU register (D8~D15) corrupted in library mode


Hi Eason,

Thanks for reporting this potential issue.


The first stage FPU support is for secure side (i.e. SPE) use only. (Please check the FPU design document: Floating-Point Support — Trusted Firmware-M Version 1.5.0 documentation)

We are working at the support (patch in review) for the case NSPE/SPE both use FPU on v8.0m CPUs. Your patch looks helpful to the current work. @Feder Liang is the author of FPU support. He can comment more.

(BTW, Feder is out of office this week and may reply back early next week.)





David Wang


From: Eason Lai (賴易聖) via TF-M <tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2022 5:35 PM
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Cc: James-LY Huang (黃亮穎) <James-LY.Huang@mediatek.com>; Shuliang Lee (李書良) <shuliang.lee@mediatek.com>
Subject: [TF-M] FPU register (D8~D15) corrupted in library mode


Hello TFM owners,


I would like to report an issue for ARMv8-MAIN in  TFM.


From GCC9, it may use FPU registers (S16~S31) to backup general purpose registers for better performance.

However, TFM’s library mode is not backup and restore FPU registers (S16~S31) base on EXC_RETURN.FType bit in tfm_core_sfn_request.

(Reference for LR.FType https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100235/0004/the-cortex-m33-processor/exception-model/exception-entry-and-return )


This may causes FPU registers (S16~S31) to be corrupted in tfm_core_sfn_request, if interrupt happens between two SVC call.


Here is an example to reproduce the issue:

  1. Task A uses FPU S16 register to backup GPR R0
  2. Task A calls psa_import_key() API
  3. After  the instruction “SVC  %[SVC_REQ]” in  tfm_core_sfn_request, the CONTROL.FPCA become “NOT active”
  4. Enter FreeRTOS PendSV_Handler and schedule to others task.
  1. Another task uses FPU S16  register  (overwrite the value of S16 from Task A)
  2. Enter FreeRTOS PendSV_Handler and schedule back to Task A
  3. psa_import_key is finished and exit from TFM
  4. Task A restore GPR R0 from FPU R16
  5. Memory access violation in Task A due to incorrect value of GPR R0.


Stacking FPU s16-s31 in tfm_core_sfn_request can fix this problem.  Please check the blue instructions. Thank you.


__attribute__((section("SFN"), naked))

int32_t tfm_core_sfn_request(const struct tfm_sfn_req_s *desc_ptr)


    __ASM volatile(

        "PUSH   {r4-r12, lr}            \n"

        "MRS    r4, control             \n"  /* Check FPCA in control register */

        "TST    r4, #0x04                 \n"

        "IT NE                                    \n"  /* Stacking S16-S31, if CONTROL.FPCA = 1 */

        "VSTMDBNE sp!, {s16-s31}            \n"

        "PUSH   {r4}                        \n"  /* Backup CONTROL register */

        "PUSH   {r4}                        \n"  /* For 8-bytes alignment to prevent xPSR.BIT9 = 1 */

        "SVC    %[SVC_REQ]         \n"  /* To remove upon instruction, xPSR.BIT9 should be masked to 0 in prepare_partition_iovec_ctx(…) */

        "MOV    r4,  #0                     \n"

        "MOV    r5,  r4                     \n"

        "MOV    r6,  r4                     \n"

        "MOV    r7,  r4                     \n"

        "MOV    r8,  r4                     \n"

        "MOV    r9,  r4                     \n"

        "MOV    r10, r4                     \n"

        "MOV    r11, r4                     \n"

        "BLX    lr                          \n"

        "SVC    %[SVC_RET]                  \n"

        "POP    {r4}                        \n" /* Restore CONTROL register */

        "POP    {r4}                        \n"

        "TST    r4, #0x04                   \n" /* Check FPCA in control register */

        "IT NE                              \n"

        "VLDMIANE sp!, {s16-s31}            \n" /* Restore S16-S31, if CONTROL.FPCA = 1 */

        "POP    {r4-r12, pc}                \n"

        : : [SVC_REQ] "I" (TFM_SVC_SFN_REQUEST),

            [SVC_RET] "I" (TFM_SVC_SFN_RETURN)




Best regards!



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