Dear All,


I would like to merge the Secure Enclave topic at about middle of next week, feel free to give any feedback.


Best regards,



From: TF-M <> On Behalf Of Mark Horvath via TF-M
Sent: 14 September 2020 21:00
To: '' <>
Subject: [TF-M] Secure Enclave solution in TF-M


Dear All,


Following the tech forum presentation (back in 6th August) I uploaded the draft design document for the Secure Enclave topic:


I also updated the first implementation of the proposed solution for the Musca-B1 board with minimal features, marked as WIP:

Limitations, missing features, notes:


Any feedback very welcomed!


Best regards,

Márk Horváth

Senior Software Engineer

Arm Hungary Kft., Corvin Offices II, Crystal Tower, Budapest, Futó u. 45. H-1082 Hungary