Hi Suresh,


Here is a link how to build images to Musca-B1 SE:


I have built with GCC and MinSizeRel build type:


Profile Medium:

Memory region         Used Size  Region Size  %age Used

           FLASH:      101464 B       381 KB     26.01%

             RAM:       61304 B        64 KB     93.54%

[100%] Built target tfm_s


Profile Large:
Memory region         Used Size  Region Size  %age Used

           FLASH:      170448 B       381 KB     43.69%

             RAM:       62980 B        64 KB     96.10%

[ 97%] Built target tfm_s


The profiles means different capabilities of TF-M, they were introduced to support constrained devices as well, with limited capability.


There is a detailed description about the profiles here:






From: TF-M <tf-m-bounces@lists.trustedfirmware.org> On Behalf Of Suresh Marisetty via TF-M
Sent: 2021. április 29., csütörtök 21:49
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [TF-M] Questions on Musca-B1 SE implementation


I am following up on a question that came up on the TFM Core and MCUBoot image sizes that is built for SE on Musca-B1.


We are trying to figure out the resource requirements for SE, to be able to host the TF-M as suggested in the slides below. Wondering if anyone throw more light on the RAM/FLASH requirements for it.


Also, does the TFM profile small/medium/large map to this at all or is it different from them.  Also, what’s are the estimated  latencies of boot on SE with all the Flash accesses, etc.





Any info on this would be appreciated.




Suresh Marisetty

Infineon Semiconductor Corporation