Hi Ruchika, All,


  1. The tool, Bohdan pointed can be used for the detailed footprint analyses.
    For the footprint numbers in releases, I am using a Clang map file with a trivial parser. Clang produces a nice summary table at the end of map file like the one below, unlike GCC.



      Code (inc. data)   RO Data    RW Data    ZI Data      Debug   Library Name


       690         16          0          0          0        752   c_w.l

      3302         84        232          0          0      25071   libcrypto_service_p256m.a

     26848        866       3100         16       2088     234629   libmbedcrypto.a

       176         16         80          0          0       4868   libplatform_crypto_keys.a

      4974        272        684        124        160      86345   libplatform_s.a

       854          4          0          0          0      20142   libqcbor.a

      2560        120         11          0       1218      62104   libtfm_psa_rot_partition_attestation.a

      4420        118          0          0      16026      88331   libtfm_psa_rot_partition_crypto.a

      4834         36         32         28         84      50147   libtfm_psa_rot_partition_its.a

       478          4          0          0          0       5493   libtfm_psa_rot_partition_platform.a

      3846        214         88         12        153      78720   libtfm_spm.a

      1308         20          0          0          0      49585   libtfm_sprt.a



     54404       1770       4231        180      19748     706187   Library Totals


2. Profiles are predefined set of configurations for a selected use case, independent from certification. You are right the profile Large uses isolation Level 3 but it’s not required.


Hope that helps,




From: Bohdan.Hunko--- via TF-M <tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 9:57 AM
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [TF-M] Re: Memory Footprint Table generation




There is Code size analyze tool - https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-M/tf-m-tools.git/tree/docs/code-size-analyze-tool.rst


I believe it is used for code measurements for releases.



Bohdan Hunko


Cypress Semiconductor Ukraine



Mobile: +38099 50 19 714



From: Ruchika Gupta via TF-M <tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 11:09
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [TF-M] Memory Footprint Table generation


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With every TFM release, I see that there is a memory footprint table which is made available for the AN521 platform.


Are there any scripts available to run on the map file/other binaries to generate this table ?  I would like to use the same for our platform and do some analysis.


Further question-

Why is there a tie up between the large profile with TFM isolation level 3 ? Is it a certification requirement ?


