Hi Bohdan,
Extra test examples work well on AN521 with isolation level 2. I built extra tests based on the latest commits.
Extra test examples are just frameworks without any tests. Their functionalities are also based on regression test framework, such as message dumps.
Can you please try if regression tests can run on PSoC 64 in your environment?
Best regards,
Hu Ziji
From: Bohdan.Hunko--- via TF-M <tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2022 5:10 AM
To: tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [TF-M] State of Extra tests
Hi all,
I have tried building Extra S and NS tests from tf-m-extras repo for PSoC64 and the result I got is that device prints message that extra S test started and reboots.
Here is the command line I used:
cmake -S . -B build_psoc64 -G "Unix Makefiles" -DTFM_PLATFORM=cypress/psoc64 -DTFM_LVL=2 -DEXTRA_S_TEST_SUITES_PATHS=< tf-m-extras path>/examples/extra_test_suites_example/extra_s -DEXTRA_NS_TEST_SUITES_PATHS=<tf-m-extras path>/examples/extra_test_suites_example/extra_ns
I have also tries building with following command line (same as before but -DTEST_S=ON and -DTEST_NS=ON added):
cmake -S . -B build_psoc64 -G "Unix Makefiles" -DTFM_PLATFORM=cypress/psoc64 -DTFM_LVL=2 -DEXTRA_S_TEST_SUITES_PATHS=< tf-m-extras path>/examples/extra_test_suites_example/extra_s -DEXTRA_NS_TEST_SUITES_PATHS=<tf-m-extras path>/examples/extra_test_suites_example/extra_ns
The result is the same – message about starting Extra S test suite is printed and then device reboots.
Could someone please test it on other platform and let me know whether Extra S and NS tests works there.
Bohdan Hunko
Cypress Semiconductor Ukraine
Mobile: +38099 50 19 714