IAR released a new service pack late last week, version 8.50.9.

This service pack includes a new compiler version, which although thoroughly tested, apparently introduced a new intricate bug, which causes at least the musca_a mcuboot to fail.

The issue has been identified and fixed, and the next release should have this fix.

I have no date for when this will be released or in what form.

So for the time being, please do not upgrade above version 8.50.7.



Thomas Törnblom, Product Engineer
IAR Systems AB
Box 23051, Strandbodgatan 1
SE-750 23 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Mobile: +46 76 180 17 80 Fax: +46 18 16 78 01
E-mail: thomas.tornblom@iar.com Website: www.iar.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/iarsystems