Hi Anton,


Thanks for leading this. This seems like a good path forward for TF-M.


Looking at the use cases listed in slide 3 there, I’d say that

Case 1 seems interesting (I can imagine one client wanting to use PS while another simultaneously uses crypto, for example)

Case 2 feels like a logical extension of the existing multi-core support. The question in my mind is how many cores we expect to have while remaining within the target for TF-M.

Given that cases 1 and 2 both make sense, the first option in case 3 also seems to make sense. Not sure about local clients communicating with local SPE but not via TZ, but maybe that makes case 3 an extension of case 2 rather than something new, and so easier to implement?

I suspect that case 4 and 5 are both interesting, given TF-M’s target environment. It’s obviously tricky to support real time with both local and remote clients, but that would be a good feature to support.

I find it difficult to imagine having multiple remote cores that aren’t able to use the same communication channels. I do expect different platforms to use different communication channels - we have that today with RSS and Corstone, but I don’t believe it’s as clean as it could be.




From: Anton Komlev via TF-M <tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: June 26, 2023 2:31 AM
To: Edward Yang via TF-M <tf-m@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Cc: nd <nd@arm.com>
Subject: [TF-M] Hybrid platforms discussion follow up.


Caution: This e-mail originated outside Infineon Technologies. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you validate it is safe.




On the last tech forum (June 22) we started discussion on multicore hybrid platforms.

By this mail I’d like to follow up and continue offline analyses on new use-cases and requirements for TF-M design update.


The recorded session is available here: https://linaro-org.zoom.us/rec/share/yseF-mYwUTtHHPkQJQO6IEv72xCd0Lz1pQQecc2PjmDWHzC5q65G71F3E8dOt9O9.VakV_-RuD_96uueL, Passcode: 5s=Npv=w

and slides: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/docs/tech_forum_20230622_Hybrid_platforms.pdf


The current plan is to take time, think on the use-cases and map them on requirements. With more thought and materials, we will have another session about September time to define our needs in the support of new type of platform.


Please share your thoughts in reply.


