Hi Ken,

We have an open ticket for just consuming the ".syntax unified", which is set to be fixed in a future update.

I've tested your suggestion for "#pragma required" and it doesn't seem to work.


Den 2021-10-19 kl. 09:22, skrev Ken Liu via TF-M:

Hi Thomas and all,


I noticed there are some


#if !defined(__ICCARM__)

        ".syntax unified                  \n"



In source code, looks like “.syntax unified” is not support in IAR, is that true? If it could not be supported in a short term, we can define some wrapper such as:


#ifdef __ICCARM__



#define CLAIM_SYNTAX_UNIFIED ".syntax unified                  \n"




Another question is about the:

#if defined(__ICCARM__)

#pragma required = do_schedule



If we claim do_schedule in the constraints, is the above “#pragma required” still needed?


__asm (“….  :: “i”(do_schedule));


We can create a patch to test this – using a constraint looks more proper.







Thomas Törnblom, Product Engineer
IAR Systems AB
Box 23051, Strandbodgatan 1
SE-750 23 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Mobile: +46 76 180 17 80 Fax: +46 18 16 78 01
E-mail: thomas.tornblom@iar.com Website: www.iar.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/iarsystems