Hi all,
Please note that API tfm_initial_attest_get_public_key() has been removed from TF-M Initial Attestation service.
tfm_initial_attest_get_public_key() was defined by TF-M to retrieve Initial Attestation Key (IAK) public key in runtime.
It is not defined by PSA Attestation API spec. It was designed for test purpose only but was always enabled in Initial Attestation service.
TF-M regression tests called tfm_initial_attest_get_public_key() in runtime to retrieve IAK public key to verify the Initial Attestation Token (IAK) generated by Initial Attestation service.
However, such a test implementation doesn’t fully align with common attestation protocols, in which the public key is usually distributed to the verifier when the device is deployed or registered.
This API can be misleading and it concerned developers that it may be abused in actual production.