we wish to avoid the pitfalls of "doing your own security", and at the same time not use
dummy/template code that is not meant for production.
May I ask if it is still accurate what the docs say here about the template folder, namely that
This directory contains platform-independent dummy implementations of the interfaces in platform/include
These implementations can be built directly for initial testing of a platform port, or used as a basic template for
a real implementation for a particular target. They must not be used in production systems.
$ ls platform/ext/common/template/
attest_hal.c flash_otp_nv_counters_backend.c otp_flash.c tfm_initial_attest_pub_key.c
crypto_keys.c flash_otp_nv_counters_backend.h tfm_fih_rng.c tfm_rotpk.c
crypto_nv_seed.c nv_counters.c tfm_initial_attestation_key.pem tfm_symmetric_iak.key