Hi all,
I am working on integrating our IP(PUFcc) into TF-Mv2.1.0, with the PUFcc located at address 0x51700000.
The PUFcc can be access on bl2 stage, however, it cannot be access on booting tf-m stage.
The exception log as below:
ERROR: HardFault
Here is some context for the exception:
Exception came from secure FW in handler mode.
xPSR: 0x00000003
MSP: 0x31000B18
PSP: 0x31000BF8
Exception frame at: 0x31000B18
R0: 0x31000B60
R1: 0x00000000
R2: 0x0000001B
R3: 0x00000002
R12: 0x00000000
LR: 0x38009EF7
PC: 0x3800AB02
xPSR: 0x6100000B
Callee saved register state: R4: 0xFFFFFFF9
R5: 0x31000B60
R6: 0x00000002
R7: 0x00000002
R8: 0x38030F24
R9: 0x0000001B
R10: 0x00000011
R11: 0x38030F11
CFSR: 0x00008200
BFSR: 0x00000082
BFAR: 0x00000004
MMFSR: 0x00000000
MMFAR: Not Valid
UFSR: 0x00000000
HFSR: 0x40000000
SFSR: 0x00000000
SFAR: Not Valid
The diff patch as below:
+++ b/secure_fw/spm/core/main.c
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ static fih_int tfm_core_init(void)
SPMLOG_INFMSG("\033[1;34mBooting TF-M "VERSION_FULLSTR"\033[0m\r\n");
+ uint32_t* p_s = (uint32_t *)0x51700000;
+ printf("p_s = %08x\n", (uint32_t)*p_s);
Could you provide any suggestions on this issue?
Best regards,
Mark Chen
Research & Development Division II
PUFsecurity Corporation
Tel: 886-3-5601010 ext. 3110
Fax: 886-3-5601177
Email: mark@pufsecurity.com
From: Andy Chen <andychen@pufsecurity.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2024 12:12 AM
To: Anton Komlev <Anton.Komlev@arm.com>
Cc: Randy Liu <randyliu@pufsecurity.com>; Victor Huang <victor@pufsecurity.com>; Neil Chen <neilchen@pufsecurity.com>;
Antonio De Angelis <Antonio.DeAngelis@arm.com>; Shebu Varghese Kuriakose <Shebu.VargheseKuriakose@arm.com>
Subject: Re: [Technical Loop] PSA Crypto API with PUFcc on the TF-M platform
Hi Anton,
Thank you and enjoy your time!!!
Anton Komlev <Anton.Komlev@arm.com>
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 11:34:48 PM
Andy Chen <andychen@pufsecurity.com>
Randy Liu <randyliu@pufsecurity.com>; Victor Huang <victor@pufsecurity.com>; Neil Chen <neilchen@pufsecurity.com>; Antonio
De Angelis <Antonio.DeAngelis@arm.com>; Shebu Varghese Kuriakose <Shebu.VargheseKuriakose@arm.com>
RE: [Technical Loop] PSA Crypto API with PUFcc on the TF-M platform
HI Andy,
Great to hear good news.
I will be in annual leave from tomorrow, Aug 1st, but Antonio (coped) could help you and can redirect the possible questions to appropriate team members.
With the occasion, I would appreciate if your team evaluates and follows TF-M documentation and gives us feedback on possible confusion or missing information.
Best regards,
From: Andy Chen <andychen@pufsecurity.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 3:26 PM
To: Anton Komlev <Anton.Komlev@arm.com>
Cc: Randy Liu <randyliu@pufsecurity.com>; Victor Huang <victor@pufsecurity.com>; Neil Chen <neilchen@pufsecurity.com>
Subject: [Technical Loop] PSA Crypto API with PUFcc on the TF-M platform
#Set a new mail loop
Hi Anton,
We set a kick-off meeting of "PSA Crypto API with PUFcc on the TF-M platform" this week.
· TF-M v2.1.0
· PSA Crypto API - v1.2.1
· PSA Certified APIs Architecture Test Suite - v1.6
· MPS3 with AN552
Randy, Victor, and Neil are members of this project.
We would have many issues when developing that need your help to solve it.
Please feel free to add your teams. Let's make the project successful.
Thank you very much.
Have a Nice Day,
Tel: 886-3-5601010 #2119
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