
I am working on a board based on NXP LS1043 processor (arm64) with TPM2 on SPI interface.
I have the following boot sequence : TF-A + UBOOT + YOCTO.
I have a look on the code where the TF-A MEASURE_BOOT was implemented for the fvp arm platform using OPTEE fTPM.

As far as I understood, the event log is implemented based on the TCG2 EFI PROTOCOL from commit :

commit 3ee148d6439b69d326f8e6d2a4ce822604e0e64c
Merge: 43f7d8879 4a135bc33
Author: joanna.farley <joanna.farley@arm.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 22 16:35:11 2020 +0000

Nevertheless, I am surprised because I did not find any TPM2 driver in the current TF-A code.

I would like to know :

  1. How to port what was done for the fvp platform to my platform ?
  2. What is code hashed in the TFA to create the event log ?
  3. Why are there no TPM2 routine in the TF-A to expend PCR ?
Thanks in advance for your help