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We are pleased to announce the release of the Trusted Firmware-A LTS version 2.8.0 [1]. To help with the verification and stability of the release, we also created side branches for Trusted Firmware-A Tests [2] and TF-A OpenCI Scripts/Jobs [3].


These went live on 13th February 2023. The trusted-firmware-a repository is now open again.


On behalf of the TF-A LTS project maintainers,  I would like to thank the Trustedfirmware.org TF-A Project community for the support and guidance.


Notable features of the TF-A LTS Version 2.8.0 Release are as follows:


TF-A Project Repository


Patch Statistics


Please refer to the TF-A LTS [1] changelog for the complete summary of changes.


[1] https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-A/trusted-firmware-a.git/tree/docs/change-log.md?h=refs/heads/lts-v2.8

[2] tf-a-tests.git - Trusted Firmware-A Tests

[3] tf-a-ci-scripts.git - Trusted Firmware A (TF-A) CI scripts

[4] tf-a-job-configs.git - Trusted Firmware A (TF-A) Jenkins job configs