Hi All, A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech forum is next Monday at 10:00am PM UK time. Invite details can be found on the online calendar here https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman know. :) Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
don.harbin@linaro.org ReplyReply to allForward Compose: Community activity: OpenCV, Sensors, AI [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Compose: Reminder: MBed TLS Tech Forum - Asia/Europe [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Recipients
Hi All, A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech forum is next Monday at 11:00am UK time. Invite details can be found on the online calendar here https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/.
If you have any topics, please let Jano Follath know. :) Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
don.harbin@linaro.org ReplyReply to allForward Compose: Community activity: OpenCV, Sensors, AI [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Compose: Reminder: MBed TLS Tech Forum - Asia/Europe [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Recipients
Hi All, A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech forum is next Monday at 11:00am UK time. Invite details can be found on the online calendar here https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman know. :) Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
don.harbin@linaro.org ReplyReply to allForward Compose: Community activity: OpenCV, Sensors, AI [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Compose: Reminder: MBed TLS Tech Forum - Asia/Europe [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Recipients
Hi All, A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech forum is next Monday at 11:00am UK time. Invite details can be found on the online calendar here https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/.
If you have any topics, please let Janos know. :) Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
don.harbin@linaro.org ReplyReply to allForward Compose: Community activity: OpenCV, Sensors, AI [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Compose: Reminder: MBed TLS Tech Forum - Asia/Europe [image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close] Recipients