Hi All,
A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech
forum is next Monday at 10:00am PM UK time. Invite details can be found on
the online calendar here <https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/>.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman know. :)
Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
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Community activity: OpenCV, Sensors, AI
[image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close]
Reminder: MBed TLS Tech Forum - Asia/Europe
[image: Minimise][image: Pop-out][image: Close]
Hi All,
A gentle reminder that the US-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech forum
is next Monday at 4:30 PM UK time. Invite details can be found on the
online calendar here <https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/>.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman know. :)
Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
FYI to all TF dev teams leveraging Open CI.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Glen Valante via Tf-openci-triage <
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 at 08:41
Subject: [Tf-openci-triage] FYI; Cambridge Lab Down
To: tf-openci-triage(a)lists.trustedfirmware.org <
Hello All;
FYI; the Cambridge lab took a serious power hit and is down. They are
scrambling to get things back up, but it may take all weekend.
Expect LAVA failures and other strange results.
[image: Linaro] <http://www.linaro.org>
Glen Valante | *Director Program & Project Management*
T: +1.508.517.3461 <1617-320-5000>
glen.valante(a)linaro.org | Skype: gvalante <callto:gvalante>
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