Hi All,
A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech
forum is next Monday at 10:00am PM UK time. Invite details can be found on
the online calendar here <https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/>.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman know. :)
Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
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Community activity: OpenCV, Sensors, AI
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Reminder: MBed TLS Tech Forum - Asia/Europe
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Hi All,
A gentle reminder that the US-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech forum
is next Monday at 4:30 PM UK time. Invite details can be found on the
online calendar here <https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/>.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman know. :)
Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
Hi All,
A gentle reminder that the Asia-Europe timezone-friendly MBed TLS Tech
forum is next Monday at 10:00am PM UK time. Invite details can be found on
the online calendar here <https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/>.
If you have any topics, please let Dave Rodgman know. :)
Best regards,
Don Harbin
TrustedFirmware Community Manager
We are happy to announce the publication in GitHub of the TF-PSA-Crypto repository: https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/TF-PSA-Crypto.
The TF-PSA-Crypto repository provides an implementation of the PSA Cryptography API (https://arm-software.github.io/psa-api). This encompasses the on-going extensions to the PSA Cryptography API (e.g. PAKE). The PSA Cryptography API implementation is organized around the PSA Cryptography driver interface aiming to ease the support of cryptographic accelerators and processors.
This is a significant milestone on the journey to split the PSA Cryptography API implementation and its development out of the Mbed TLS repository into TF-PSA-Crypto. This is early days though and the TF-PSA-Crypto repository should be considered as a prototype: it is read-only and mostly a mirror of the PSA Cryptography API implementation of Mbed TLS. But we believe it is a good illustration of what we are aiming at.
Thanks, Ronald Cron on behalf of the Mbed TLS team.