The next LOC monthly meeting is planned to take place Thursday June 24th@17.00 (UTC+2).
We will have Mingshen Sun from Baidu talking about their efforts with OP-TEE and Rust. At Linaro Connect in San Diego 2019 Mingshen gave a presentation about this [1], but since then things have been improved and Baidu has officially donated their work to ASF which is called "Apache Teaclave TrustZone SDK (incubating) 0.1.0" [2]. Etienne (ST) and I have recently had a discussion with Mingshen as well, where our goal was to better understand what it would take to bring Baidu's OP-TEE Rust enablement into the official OP-TEE upstream tree. Doing so would enable official Trusted Application development for OP-TEE using Rust.
We'll have no other topics this month, the entire hour is dedicated to this discussion. If you have any questions, we'll take them at the end of the call. Alternatively, feel free to add your question into the meeting notes whenever you like (anyone can edit).
Note that we don't send out invites for this meeting, so if you're interested in attending, then please follow the "Connection details" link below that will take you to the Google calendar, where you can add the invite yourself by clicking on the meeting itself and then scroll down and click on "copy to my calendar»".
Another reminder that people might not have realized is that we record all monthly LOC meetings, so in case you've missed a call or want to go back, then you'll find the Zoom link and the password for it in the meeting notes (link below as well).
[1] https://connect.linaro.org/resources/san19/san19-513/ [2] https://teaclave.apache.org/blog/2021-06-15-announcing-teaclave-trustzone-sd...
Meeting details: --------------- Date/time: Thursday June 24th@17.00 (UTC+2) https://everytimezone.com/s/08f4fb4e Connection details: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/ Meeting notes: http://bit.ly/loc-notes Project page: https://www.linaro.org/projects/#LOC
Regards, Joakim on behalf of the Linaro OP-TEE team