In imx_csu.c, the Central Security Unit's CSU_CSL*n* registers are set, configuring access privileges for different peripherals. These registers range from CSU_CSL0 (@ 0x021c0000) to CSU_CSL39 (@ 0x021c009c).
The different i.MX6 platform variants each have their individual tables, filled with sets of CSL index and register value, terminated by a sentinel set with the index set to -1. (the reason for the parentheses around -1 espaces me)
in .../core/arch/arm/plat-imx/drivers/imx_csu.c:csu_init()@115, a while loop runs through this aforementioned table, setting the CSL registers according to the table. However, this loop loops on CSL index values > 0: while (csu_setting->csu_index *>* 0) { io_write32(csu_base + (csu_setting->csu_index * 4), csu_setting->value);
csu_setting++; } I think it should loop on CSL index values >= 0, because index 0 is a valid index, utilized for the PWM peripherals. (I also think csl_index is a more descriptive name, but that's besides the point).
I have attached a patch for his.
With kind regards,