[BCC all OP-TEE maintainers]
Hi OP-TEE maintainers & contributors,
OP-TEE v4.0.0 is scheduled to be released on 2023-10-20. So, now is a good time to start testing the master branch on the various platforms and report/fix any bugs.
The GitHub pull request for collecting Tested-by tags or any other comments is https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/pull/6341.
As usual, we will create a release candidate tag one week before the release date for final testing.
Note that this is a major version update. We will be merging some pull requests that may break backward compatibility in some (limited) way just before creating the 4.0.0-rc1 tag. These pull requests have "[v4]" in their title and can be found here: https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+in%3Atitle+%5Bv...
In addition to that you can find some additional information related to releases here: https://optee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/general/releases.html