Hi, I have u-boot based on u-boot 2021.04 I have configuration with fTPM of Microsoft enabled. I have a EVB board with Nuvoton chip. OPTee-OS is based on latest 3.22 upstream version with Nuvoton npcm platform configuration. If I take OPTee-OS without reading HUK from our PCR0 field from non-secured memory, the command works fine. If I add reading HUK, the command fails. Here is the error log: - U-Boot>tpm2 device optee optee: OP-TEE: revision 3.22 (a012b992) I/TC: Reserved shared memory is enabled I/TC: Dynamic shared memory is enabled I/TC: Normal World virtualization support is disabled I/TC: Asynchronous notifications are disabled E/TC:0 0 std_entry_with_parg:235 Bad arg address 0x7fce2000 Couldn't set TPM 0 (rc = 1) -
All other commands of tpm2 that are not connected to fTPM works OK. After loading Linux, xtest works OK.
Could you please help me?
Thank you in advance, Margarita Glushkin