LOC monthly meeting is planned to take place Thursday April 29th@17.00 (UTC+2).
First, note that we have pushed the meeting forward one hour. If you subscribe to the meeting via the TrustedFirmware calendar, then your invite hopefully should've been updated (it could be worth cross checking).
This month we will have Achin Gupta from Arm giving us an update regarding the evolution of FF-A and how that could work together with virtualization.
Usually there is some time left over for other discussions. So if you have anything you'd like to talk about, then please let me know by replying to this email thread. Related to that, Linaro arranged an "OP-TEE readiness for safety" workshop last week. We're looking at all kinds of things related to that right now. But this is also something that we could touch in the LOC meeting. How would that affect upstream work? What code changes could we expect etc? Any expertise out there who would be interested in collaborating?
OP-TEE 3.13.0 is planned to be released 2012-04-30, so in case you have any questions related to that, then the LOC meeting would be a good opportunity to ask.
Meeting details: --------------- Date/time: Thursday April 29th@17.00 (UTC+2) https://everytimezone.com/s/c32cdcc3 Connection details: https://www.trustedfirmware.org/meetings/ Meeting notes: http://bit.ly/loc-notes Project page: https://www.linaro.org/projects#trusted-substrate_TS
Regards, Joakim on behalf of the Linaro OP-TEE team