Hi Joakim,


The current PKCS #7 implementation indeed does not currently support certificate chains, and does not use a certificate from the PKCS #7 file to validate the signature, and does not support authenticatedAttributes.


We’ve tried to document these limitations clearly in include/mbedtls/pkcs7.h – if you think it’s not sufficiently clear, please raise an issue or PR with points for further improvement. We are currently tidying up the existing PKCS #7 functionality so want to get this right before the next release.


Regarding use of MBEDTLS_PRIVATE – if there are particular fields that it’s useful to access, the preferred approach would probably be to add functions to the PKCS #7 API to access the fields in question, rather than remove MBEDTLS_PRIVATE.


Thank you for providing these patches. Would you be able to submit them as a PR for review in the normal way via GitHub (see https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls/blob/development/CONTRIBUTING.md for details)? They would also need some tests adding. If you don’t have time to work on these, I can create a PR but would need you to confirm that these submissions are made under the terms of our DCO.




Dave Rodgman



From: Joakim Sindholt via mbed-tls <mbed-tls@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Date: Tuesday, 21 February 2023 at 11:30
To: mbed-tls@lists.trustedfirmware.org <mbed-tls@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Subject: [mbed-tls] PKCS#7 signedAttributes and embedded cert chain

Hi, I recently had to do some PKCS#7 signature validation and was
disappointed to find that it didn't just work. After digging through
RFCs to figure out the myriad of things I'd done wrong I was also left
with a lack of 3 features in mbedtls:

1. The full certificate chain was not being loaded and explicitly not
supported. I believe this is in error since the certificate was never
actually used anywhere, meaning it basically errored out for no reason.
Since this certificate chain also contains the key used to validate the
signature in my case that presented a pretty fundamental problem.

2. signedAttributes were not supported at all.

3. All the fields in mbedtls_pkcs7 and its associated structures are
marked as MBEDTLS_PRIVATE. I need to inspect both the certificates and
the signedAttributes and would rather not have to parse the entire DER

I have attached patches implementing the first two. I believe I've done
so without altering the behavior of the calls although I'm a bit unsure
as to why mbedtls_x509_crt_verify doesn't take a const mbedtls_x509_crt.
The third issue is a matter of policy and I don't know what your opinion
on it is. For the moment I can at least get away with poking at the
internal fields.

I have tested it on several signatures, one of which I have included
here and I apologize in advance for the absolute spew but I thought it
better than attaching even more files.

The data:

It's SHA2-256 hash is:

If you decode the signature DER you'll see a matching id-messageDigest
in the signedAttributes towards the very bottom.

The signature in DER format:
