Hello Guys!

I am working on an update of MBEDTLS that will support AuthorityKeyId and SubjetKeyId V3 extensions of X509. I have created a pull request, but I have not been able to solve the issues on Travis:

As I see the problems are: memory leakage and the failure of two tests suites.
I tried to run these suites and a memory leakage check on my host machine, but the .sh scripts are just flashing once and disappearing in a few seconds after catching some kind of exception.

I have Python2, Perl, Mingw64 (with gcc) installed and added to the Path. These commands are working:
- make CC=gcc
- make tests
All the 87 tests pass.

Tried running ssl-opt.sh without arguments and with "-m", but it exits after a few lines.

Do you have any idea what I am missing? It would make the work much easier if I could run the testsuites reproducing the error and if I could find the memory leaks.

Thank you in advance!
