

Looks like I was too quick in sending out the mail.


I found the issue, sha256.c is used for both SHA256 and SHA224. So, only if both of these are accelerated, the file will not get compiled.





From: Ruchika Gupta via mbed-tls <mbed-tls@lists.trustedfirmware.org>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 5:05 PM
To: mbed-tls@lists.trustedfirmware.org
Subject: [EXT] [mbed-tls] Driver only build option


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I am trying to use the MACRO’s defined at - https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls/blob/development/docs/driver-only-builds.md to enable driver only build.


As mentioned on the page I tried to do this for SHA256. However, the code in sha256.c isn’t ifdefed by “MBEDTLS_PSA_ACCEL_ALG_SHA_256so still gets compiled ?


Can you point me to what I am missing here ?


