
No, Mbed TLS does not support EdDSA (Ed25519, Ed448) yet. Given our current workload, we're unlikely to add support until mid- to late 2024. Please watch our roadmap for updates.

Best regards,

Gilles Peskine
Mbed TLS developer

On 30/08/2023 20:42, Bahadır Maktav via mbed-tls wrote:
I am trying to use a certificate with its public key algorithm is NIST P-384 and its signature algorithm is ED448. 
I am working on ESP board with IDF framework which supports mbedtls. But when I am trying to use that certificate, I got error message about 'MBEDTLS_ERR_X509_UNKOWN_SIG_ALG'.
So, I thought that maybe mbedtls does not support certificates which signed with ED448.